THE Story
Hi, I'm MOnique,
Founder of...
The name Midwest Mixtape reflects my belief that a mixtape has so many things to offer and means many different things to different people. I wanted to bring this spirit of diversity and versatility to my consulting business and offer a wide range of services to my clients.
So rather than bore you with a resume of qualifications, I am releasing a series of tapes that define my journey so far.
On The Road Mix
I started my career as a Senior Management Consultant at a Big 6 Consulting Firm, where I honed my skills in problem solving and business process engineering. My time there gave me valuable experience in developing strategies to tackle complex business challenges, and improve operations through process re-engineering.
Game day Mix
After life on the road, I took on the role of Group Product & Account Manager at a marketing agency and was responsible for the development of multiple business websites, including the NFL Teams the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tennessee Titans.
Digital Download mix
From the wired web, I moved into the wireless web, taking the role of a Business and Systems analyst at a major telecommunications company that was a pioneering in wireless data in the US market. That role lead to an exciting position as Project Manager for the first Mobile App store in the US. After the project was delivered I moved into the Product space. As Product Manager of Mobile Premium Services, I worked to create new innovative products and define the ecosystems that supported them. After a few years, I took on the role of Customer Experience Manager, where I was able to understand and improve the customer journey.
Round The world mix
Once again, I became a road warrior but this time out of the US. As a Manager of Global Development, I helped carriers worldwide expand their product portfolios.
into the thick of it mix
At some point, I decided to take a break from a paycheck (notice I didn't say break from work) to focus on my role as a full-time parent. During this time, I remained active in my community, volunteering in PTO, Scouts, and as a member of my school district's advisory board. This allowed me to stay connected with the world of business and not loose my mind, while also giving back to my community.
Life Remix mix
Sometimes opportunities come at the most random times. In 2020, I began to pick up freelance work from referrals. That work has integrated all of my previous experience and has grown beyond my expectations. I am spending much of it in the Live Music space occasionally venturing out into other areas. New clients, new partners, it has been exciting.